Welcome to In Concord

Uniting Lutherans for faithful family formation

We are a non-profit organization formed to support confessional Lutheranism and the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS)

Our Mission


Our mission at In Concord is to strengthen the communities that help Lutherans form faithful families

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According to the LCMS office of national mission,

80% of LCMS churches are stagnating or in decline

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according to the Harvard cooperative election study,

less than 23% of LCMS Adults are under age 44

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2 NKJV

We’ve identified key life transitions

when it’s crucial for Lutherans to have community

to remain in the church and build faithful families

Unity Through Confession

“Who do you say that I am?”

Our greatest gift as Lutherans is our shared confession of faith.

To be Lutheran is to confess the historic Christian faith, as drawn from the Bible and proclaimed in the Book of Concord. This confession unites us in belief and practice and connects us with past and future generations of Christians.

Unity among Christians is more than organizational alignment or social harmony. It finds its foundation in a shared confession of faith. As Lutherans, we are uniquely blessed with a heritage that holds us accountable to past Christians, to each other, and to God. It gives shape to the inheritance we will pass down to our children and share with our neighbors, and frees us to focus on our work in witness, mercy, and life together.

It prepares us for the Christian life, for times of trial and persecution, and is the best basis for marriage, parenthood, and all other godly vocations.

When we embrace this rich heritage, we not only preserve the integrity of our witness but also build a strong, compassionate, and united church body, truly living “In Concord.”

Interested in connecting lutheran young adults?

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